Reiki for Rescues
we provide Reiki to cats of all fur colors that are in the care of local rescue organizations
If you are a rescue organization or shelter in the greater Los Angeles area and would like your cats and/or kittens to receive Reiki treatments, please send an email to request our Reiki services.
We will schedule a time for evaluation and provide a detailed, indivualized treatment plan for each cat/kitten in need of Reiki. Some cats/kittens may need only one treatment, but most need several small treatments. We are also available for emergency situations and in that case, we will make every attempt to make ourselves available as soon as possible.
The cats shown in the image at the left all have had numerous Reiki treatments. We have been working with several local rescue organizations in the Los Angeles area and would love to work with more in an effort to provide Reikii to as many rescued cats and kittens as possible.